Val Fi Group: a tale of audacity and innovation

Val Fi Group came to be thanks to the audacity of one woman, Valérie Tellier. Discover how, in just 11 years, she turned a company into a prosperous Group with three business units!

val laquage
val laquage

Val Fi Group

Valérie Tellier, making Val Fi Group what it is

The adventure of Val Fi Group's CEO, Valérie Tellier, began back in 1998 when she created Val Laquage VT. Then, in 2006, she went on to acquire Inserdéco.

In 2009, to meet the ever-growing demand, Valérie Tellier added a new string to her bow by acquiring Piochel. Today, she pursues her Group's development assisted by Bruno Deschamps, Director of Val Laquage and Inserdéco, and by Blandine Legrand, Director of Piochel.

val laquage

Valérie Tellier


Blandine Legrand


Bruno Deschamps

La création de Val The creation of Val Laquage

Valérie Tellier created Val Laquage in 1998. She set up her business in Ouville-la-Rivière, close to Dieppe, a strategic location combining geographical proximity to suppliers and to Paris, which is only 1h30 away by road.

Val Laquage's equipment fleet, comprising 6 lacquering lines, enables the company to produce some 55 million items a year.

Thanks to its state-of-the-art machinery, the company offers all types of lacquering, from the most subtle to the most elaborate.

val laquage

Acquiring Inserdéco

Valérie Tellier went on to purchase Inserdéco in 2006 to diversify her offering. Inserdéco's expertise included using screen printing, pad printing, hot stamping and UV bonding to apply decorative adornments.

This know-how complemented the glass finishing offer, which Val Laquage specialized in, along with its lacquering.

Today, Inserdéco boasts an automated and semi-automated equipment fleet providing a production capacity of some 40 million items a year:

val laquage Screen printing

val laquage Hot stamping

val laquage Pad printing

val laquage Accessory bonding

val laquage

Growth with Piochel

As this business unit carries out the same activity as Val Laquage, it has enabled the Group to increase its lacquering capacity.

What it offers :

val laquage Lacquering

val laquage Metallization

val laquage

With these three complementary business units in the fold, Val Fi Group was born !

More than 25 years on from the creation of its first company, Val Fi Group now employs some 240 people and records steady growth. It now ranks at the top of the glass finishing sector as it has managed to keep up with market changes and ever-more demanding customer requirements. The high-quality people-focused management rolled out in the three business units encourages employees to give their very best, for a shared cause : your satisfaction ! The trust you have shown us since 1998 is our greatest victory.

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